These are the adventures of my little family. Brian and I shared our first kiss on July 27, 1995. On July 28, 2001, we were married. It's been a fun ride, but honestly, I have to struggle to remember what life was like before December of 2005, when the Girlchild was born. When the Boy was born in October of 2007, we felt like our little family was complete.
Having kids has been way more fun than I ever imagined. Being a parent sometimes feels completely natural, and sometimes I look at these little parasites and wonder how the h I got myself in this situation. I mostly love mommyhood, however, and I absolutely with every fiber in my being would never give it up.
I say that family is my first priority, but it's really hard to keep family as number one. By definition, a first priority should happen at the exclusion of other priorities if necessary. Numbers 2 through whatever don't happen if #1 hasn't happened. That's hard!
Here are some of our adventures, as recorded so far: